Your Guide to Health & High Performance in Esports

Memory by Vitagaming : Nootropic Stack on the Grid

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Let’s check Memory by Vitagaming. How does this nootropic stack stand according to our ranking guide?

Cognitive EnhancementFocus & Concentration4Designed to improve focus and concentration for gaming.
Memory Recall & Learning4.5Specifically formulated to enhance memory and learning.
Reaction Time3.5May indirectly improve reaction time through better cognitive function.
Mood & Motivation3.5Some ingredients like L-Theanine may support mood and reduce stress.
Physical PerformanceEnergy Levels3Not primarily designed for energy, but may provide some cognitive energy.
Stamina & Endurance3May indirectly support mental endurance through improved cognitive function.
Hand-Eye Coordination3.5Potential benefits for gaming performance through enhanced memory and focus.
Safety & TolerabilitySide Effects4Generally well-tolerated. No major side effects reported.
Long-term Health Impact4Ingredients like Bacopa and Ginkgo have long-term cognitive health benefits.
Interactions3.5Potential interactions with certain medications. Consult a healthcare professional.
Convenience & AccessibilityDosage & Administration4.5Easy to take capsule form. Clear dosage instructions.
Cost-effectiveness3.5Moderately priced. Provides a 30-day supply.
Availability3.5Primarily available through the official website and select online retailers.
Scientific Evidence & Community FeedbackResearch Support4Key ingredients like Bacopa and Ginkgo have clinical studies supporting cognitive benefits.
Community Experience3.5Generally positive feedback, but more user reviews would be beneficial.
Transparency4Ingredient list and dosages provided. More information on testing and sourcing would be ideal.
Quality & PurityPurity4Claims to use high-quality, pure ingredients. Third-party testing not explicitly mentioned.
CertificationsN/ANo information on specific certifications.
Ingredient Quality4Uses well-researched ingredients like Bacopa and Ginkgo. More details on standardization would be helpful.
Sustainability & EthicsSustainable SourcingN/ANo clear information on ingredient sourcing practices.
Manufacturing PracticesN/AManufacturing practices not explicitly mentioned.
Ethical CertificationsN/ANo ethical certifications mentioned.
Total Score71.5/100Calculated based on available scores, excluding N/A values.
Notation Table for Memory by VitaGaming Based on Vitaquanta’s Ranking guide

Memory by VitaGaming is a nootropic supplement designed specifically for gamers and esports athletes to enhance cognitive performance and overall well-being. This unique blend of natural ingredients, including potent nootropics, adaptogens, herbs, amino acids, and essential nutrients, has been clinically proven to sharpen memory, boost mental clarity, uplift mood, optimize task efficiency, and enhance cognitive function.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Elevates cognitive performance and enhances overall well-being
  • Sharpens memory, boosts mental clarity, and uplifts mood
  • Optimizes task efficiency and enhances cognitive function
  • Offers immune support, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidant reinforcement
  • Provides comprehensive support for the mind and body in today’s fast-paced world
  • Crafted from a superior blend of all-natural ingredients
  • Caffeine-free and non-addictive, eliminating the risk of jitters, anxiety, or energy crashes


Memory by VitaGaming contains a scientifically proven blend of herbs and critical nutrients that can significantly enhance memory skills, cognitive function, mental clarity, and mood:

  • Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic herb that aids stress and offers anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting benefits
  • Organic Lion’s Mane: A traditional remedy that provides cognitive, immune, and anti-inflammatory advantages
  • Rhodiola Rosea: A resilient herb that eases anxiety, enhances mental endurance, and provides anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Bacopa: A robust natural nootropic that improves cognitive function and exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics
  • Red Panax Ginseng: A slow-growing plant with cognitive and immune-boosting properties, along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine: Improves brain accessibility and enhances memory, learning, and attention
  • Citicoline: A naturally occurring compound that enhances cognition by increasing blood flow to the brain and boosting key neurotransmitters
  • Phosphatidylserine: A key brain phospholipid that affects cognitive function, memory, and mood


The product is available for purchase on the VitaGaming website at $49.85 for a one-time purchase or $42.37 per month for a subscription.


Memory by VitaGaming is a promising nootropic supplement tailored for gamers and esports athletes seeking to enhance their cognitive performance and overall well-being. With its blend of clinically proven, all-natural ingredients, Memory offers a comprehensive approach to supporting the mind and body in today’s fast-paced world. While individual results may vary, the potential benefits of this caffeine-free and non-addictive supplement make it an attractive choice for those looking to optimize their gaming performance and cognitive function.


  • Alex Tendfell

    I’m Alex Tendfell, uniquely positioned at the crossroads of health, nutrition, and the vibrant world of esports. With a profound commitment to fostering excellence in gaming, I offer my expertise through, a platform where I chronicle my explorations and insights into the strategic use of nootropics and the pursuit of holistic wellness. My approach is deeply rooted in scientific principles, aimed at empowering gamers and esports athletes to achieve their full potential. By integrating strategies for mental acuity and physical vigor, I strive to provide actionable guidance that enhances gameplay and overall quality of life. Whether you’re looking to refine your gaming skills or elevate your performance through health optimization, join me in the quest for peak performance. Together, we can unlock new levels of achievement in gaming and beyond, fostering a community where clarity of thought and optimal health pave the way for success.

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